為什麼要說方言? 說方言是對神說,說到從神得奧秘 Speaking in Tongues is Speaking to God Until We Receive Mysteries from God

哥林多前書 I Corinthians 14:1-4 你們要追求愛,也要切慕屬靈的恩賜,其中更要羨慕的,是作先知講道(原文作:是說預言;下同)那說方言的,原不是對人說,乃是對神說,因為沒有人聽出來。然而,他在心靈裡卻是講說各樣的奧秘。但作先知講道的,是對人說,要造就、安慰、勸勉人。說方言的,是造就自己;作先知講道的,乃是造就教會。Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church.


教會為你切切的禱告 Without a Doubt, the Lord has Sent His Angel and Rescued Me

稱謝進入他的門 Enter his gates with thanksgiving

救恩屬乎耶和華 From the Lord Comes Deliverance

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