禁食禱告 Monthly Church Fasting and Prayer

禁食禱告會為每月份最後一個星期、週六早禱會結束後、為時一個小時、於教會大堂舉行。鼓勵弟兄姊妹預備心、參加 8:30 的早禱會、然後參加禁食禱告會。



Monthly Church Fasting and Prayer will be held every last Saturday after Morning Prayer. We encourage brothers and sisters to attend the Morning Prayer at 8:30 and join us for the Fasting and Prayer afterwards.

Date of Fasting and Prayer in August: 8/31.


禁食禱告 Monthly Church Fasting and Prayer

堅固的信心敵擋仇敵改變環境 Standing Firm in the Faith and Resist the Enemy Cast All Our Worries and Anxiety to the Lord

正確敬拜的重要 The Importance of Worshiping Right

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