禁食禱告 Monthly Church Fasting and Prayer

禁食禱告會為每月份最後一個星期、週六早禱會結束後、為時一個小時、於教會大堂舉行。鼓勵弟兄姊妹預備心、參加 8:30 的早禱會、然後參加禁食禱告會。



Monthly Church Fasting and Prayer will be held every last Saturday after Morning Prayer. We encourage brothers and sisters to attend the Morning Prayer at 8:30 and join us for the Fasting and Prayer afterwards.

Date of Fasting and Prayer in August: 8/31.


又新又活的道路 By a New and Living Way

救恩屬乎耶和華 (4) From the Lord Comes Deilverance

教會是天國的鑰匙 On This Rock I will Build My Church Where You Will Receive the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

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2628 Fullerton Rd, Rowland Height CA 91748 | +1 626.810.5222

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