每週章節 Weekly Bible Verse
4 耶穌和他們聚集的時候,囑咐他們說:「不要離開耶路撒冷,要等候父所應許的,就是你們聽見我說過的。
8 但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」
4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
禁食禱告會為每月份最後一個星期、週六早禱會結束後、為時一個小時、於教會大堂舉行。鼓勵弟兄姊妹預備心、參加 8:30 的早禱會、然後參加禁食禱告會。
Monthly Church Fasting and Prayer will be held every last Saturday after Morning Prayer. We encourage brothers and sisters to attend the Morning Prayer at 8:30 and join us for the Fasting and Prayer afterwards.
Date of Fasting and Prayer in March: 3/29
祝福禱告 Prayer of Blessing
楊大鵬、袁歡、劉興干、吳愛琳、劉艷玲、丁小美、Carrie 常、鄧春霞、孫明建
David Yang, Huan Yuan, Xing-Gan Liu, Ai-Lin Wu, Yan-Ling Liu, Rylee Ding, Carrie Chang, Chun-Xia Deng, Ming-Jian Sun
醫治代禱 Healing Prayer Request
Anne Wang、JT Foo、Winnie梁、吳坚华、王晨旭 、王淑惠、陳應安、陳英治、柯美琳、賴慧心、任清德、葉淑惠、王彩文、陈鹤萍、李平洋、劉淑慧、任家宜、Betty Shen、Rosa黃、蘇雅平、Mandy Zhang、 Carter、陳年嬌、Henry 喬、朱珍蕙、Joy Chang、陳芙香、Christine Zhang、陳祝賢、白鳳倫、白雪輝、伍秀蘭、陳楚賢、任建萍、劉慧美、Richard Don、劉立新、王社華、吳碧雲、謝小寧、孟品彤、胡𪊴鈾
Anne Wang, JT Foo, Winnie Liang, Jian-Hua Wu, Chen-Xu Wang, Shu-Hui Wang, Ying-An Chen, Ying-Zhi Chen, Mei-Lin Ke, Hui-Xin Lai, Qing-De Ren, Shu-Hui Ye, Cai-Wen Wang, He-Ping Chen, Ping- Yang Li, Shu-Hui Liu, Jia-Yi Ren, Betty Shen, Rosa Huang, Ya-Ping Su, Mandy Zhang, Carter, Nian-Jiao Chen, Henry Qiao, Zhen-Hui Zhu, Zi-Yuan Pan, Joy Chang, Fu-Hsiang Chen, Christine Zhang, Zhu-Xian Chen, Feng-Lun Bai, Xue-Hui Bai, Xiu-Lan Wu, Hui-Hui Lin, Chu-Xian Chen, Jian-Ping Ren, Feng-Lan Yan, Hui-Mei Liu, Richard Don, Li-Xin Liu, She-Hua Wang, Bi-Yun Wu, Xiao-Ning Xie