Event News

2024 VBS 暑期聖經營 – Camp 99+1

(路加福音 Luke 15:6b)失去的羊已經找著了、你們和我一同歡喜罷。Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep. 日期 Event Date:7/16-18/2024 時間 Event Time:8:30AM – 12:30PM
Event News

VBS 2024 Register Today

Registration Open Today 2024 VBS 兒童暑期生活營 開始接受報名! 時間 Date | Time:7月 July 16-18|8:30 am – 12:30 pm 地點 Location: Activate CZC Kids 兒童教會 ...
Event News

2023 VBS 暑期聖經營 – Built to Glorify

(哈該書 Haggai 2:9)這殿後來的榮耀、必大過先前的榮耀.在這地方我必賜平安.這是萬軍之耶和華說的。The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘And ...
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VBS 2022

Registration Open Today 2022 VBS 兒童暑期生活營 開始接受報名! 時間 Date | Time:7月 July 19-21|8:30 am – 12:30 pm 地點 Location: Activate CZC Kids 兒童教會 ...
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Trophies are here!

Praise the Lord for your wonderful worship for Tremble O Earth Worship Night 2020! It is such a blessing to worship with all ...
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震動天地 2020 線上敬拜晚會

(哈該書2:6-7)萬軍之耶和華如此說、過不多時我必再一次震動天地、滄海、與旱地.我必震動萬國.萬國的珍寶、必都運來.我就使這殿滿了榮耀.這是萬軍之耶和華說的。 日期 Event Date:10/31/20
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VBS Take Home Box Content

Stay Home VBS 2020 | The Spirit Awakens 倒數計時,開始進行補給包的準備工作。給大家看一下補給包內容。(還有一件T恤正在印,沒有在照片裡喔!)Counting down to Stay Home VBS 2020 | The Spirit Awakens. We have begun with ...
Event News

VBS Take Home Box Update

平安!若您已經於8/27中午12:00 P.M.前報名VBS,您的T恤已經送件,請於9/4-5 | 09:45-10:30 A.M. 至教會餐廳前 VBS Booth領取您的補給包。Congratulations and welcome to stay HOME VBS 2020! If you have registered before 8/27 noon 12:00 ...
Event News

Online VBS 2020 Information

[vc_row][vc_column icons_position=”left”][vc_column_text]VBS Event Pass = 2 Day VBS + 1 Day Bonus Workshop + 1 Take Home Box 補給包 時間 Date | Time:9月 ...

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