Event News

2024 VBS 暑期聖經營 – Camp 99+1


(路加福音 Luke 15:6b)失去的羊已經找著了、你們和我一同歡喜罷。Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.

日期 Event Date:7/16-18/2024

時間 Event Time:8:30AM – 12:30PM

主題 Topic:Camp 99+1

活動形式 Event Activities:

  • DAY 01:The Lost Sheep
  • DAY 02 : The Lost Coin
  • DAY 03 : The Lost Son

報名費用 Registration Fees:

  • 每位參加者,酌收 $30工本費,包括勞作材料和 Tshirt

報名方式 Registration:

注意事項 Things to Bring:

  • 穿著舒服 Dress comfortably
  • 自備水壺 Bottled Water
  • 小書包 Small backpack to bring craft home
  • 換洗衣服(水活動)Change of cloth* (optional for water game)

活動內容 Activities:

  • 敬拜讚美 Worship and dance
  • 勞作 Craft with Mr. H
  • 團體活動 Group team building project
  • 水遊戲 Water game** (optional)
  • 聖經常識 競賽遊戲 Bible trivia competition


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